Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Today's Angry Rant

Normally I wouldn't single out someone and call attention to them, and you will rarely hear me say something bad about them if I do...but South Carolina's lieutnant govenor Andre Bauer is such a schmuck that I have to say something. First of all, in case you missed it, here is what he said about welfare that has a lot of people enraged:
  "My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed! You're facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don't think too much further than that."
  Wow. What really disturbs me is that people like this can even make it into public service in the first place. I can't say I'm totally shocked though because believe it or not, this is not the first instance I've seen of public officials having a holier-than-thou attitude, and I've even seen workers in the social service system with the same attitude. A large part of the problem with the system is the lack of compassion the people that are supposed to be there to help exhibit.
  If the good people of South Carolina have any sense, they'll throw Andre Bauer out on his butt before he does any serious damage!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

You heard it here first...

  With all that's in the news this last week, a lot of you might have missed Hugo Chavez's latest rant against the U.S.. His wild accusation that the United States caused the earthquake in Haiti by testing new technology (tectonic weapons), has left many just shaking their heads. How does one acknowledge such a ludicrous accusation? While his accusation is totally insane, and without any basis in reality, most people don't realize that the technology exists. In fact, there are even more terrifying weapons being created than that. Brace yourself for an escalation in the arms race like you have never seen before and here is the reason: scalar weapons.
  Most people have not heard of scalar inferometry, however it is going to change warfare as we know it and not for the better. The potential it carries for total devastation makes the atom bomb look like a firecracker. This is "life as we know it" ending technology, and should be banned completely. The really scary thing is that the Russians may already have been testing, and using it, putting America in the position of having to "catch up" for the first time since WWII. Thus the dilema, since any use of this technology carries as yet unknown consequences.
  I strongly urge everyone readng this to do a search for yourself on scalar weapons and tesla domes. Read as much as you can find about them, and then write your congressman, senators and the White House to let them know just how much you are against this research.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Welcome to Jeff's Underground!

  Welcome to Jeff's underground...a lot like Jeff's Central Coast except a little more adult-oriented. Here is where you'll find the inside scoop on things that I can't talk about, say or show on Jeff's Central Coast. Not that there's a lot I won't say on JCC, but for instance, if something happens at Pirate's Cove you'll be more likely to read about it and see pictures about it here. That way, I can keep JCC clean enough for all the family to enjoy, and I have a place to post the occasional dirt...after all, we all love dirt!
  I will also be more likely to use language here that some might find offensive and to them I say "Don't fucking read it if it bothers you"!!! We're all big boys & girls here, so NO WHINING ALLOWED!
  I will also be using this space to talk about things that other publications might find "sensitive" or "politically incorrect"...in fact I plan to specialize in things that make other publications squeemish. Those of you who know me, know that I speak my mind, and it'll be no different here. I'm not going to pull any punches, and any opinions expressed here are MINE!
  With that said...let's have some fun!!!